Office of the University Registrar
Proctor Hall
620 George Street
Room 207
College Ave Campus
Piscataway, NJ 08854
As a central administrative office for Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, the Office of the Registrar is responsible for offering a wide variety of services. The most important services related to the student body are to:
- maintain the academic records of all students, active as well as inactive, and provide transcripts and reports of such records;
- conduct the entire registration process, through WEBREG, RTTRS touchtone, and in person;
- provide certification of enrollment (for documentation related to insurance coverage, loan deferment, scholarships, and others);
- issue diplomas for recent, as well as, former graduates;
- process various statistical reports each semester;
distribute grade reports; and
- maintain the academic calendar for registration/schedule changes.
Additionally, the registrar maintains individual records and oversees all course offerings in which students are enrolled. The Registrar's Offices, as listed below, can offer assistance and answer questions.
Offices of the New Brunswick Registrar
- Verifications Office...........................(848) 445-7000, Press 2
- Transcripts Office..............................(848) 445-7000, Press 2
- Records/Grades Office.....................(848) 445-7000, Press 3
- Undergraduate Registrars - New Brunswick Colleges: (Cook College, Douglass College, College of Engineering, Livingston College, Mason Gross School of the Arts, College of Pharmacy, Rutgers College, Livingston College, School of Arts and Sciences)
- Telephone Number............................(848) 445-7000, Press 5
- Undergraduate Residency Questions (after completion of first semester) (848) 445-0988
- Undergraduate Fax Number..............(732) 445-4238
- Email addresses:
- Graduate Registrar - New Brunswick: Graduate & Professional Schools
- Information and Residency Questions for Graduate Students
- Telephone Number..............................(848) 445-7000, Press 4
- Email address:
- Graduate Fax Number...........................(732) 445-0700
- Summer and Winter Sessions Office...(848) 445-7000, Press 4 for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Summer Session Fax Number..............(732) 445-0700
- To Reach a Staff Member in the Undergraduate Registrar's Office (Use only when the information requested doesn't pertain to transcripts, verifications, or grades/transcripts..................................(732)445-7000, Press 5
Additional Contacts Include:
Updated: August 31, 2016